

Informatikai ismeretek szülőknek

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Visiting the Puppet Theatre for the third time


On 25 March 2014 36 children of our pupils and their accompanists travelled to Budapest to visit the Puppet Theatre and the Agricultural Museum. At the Puppet Theatre they watched a performance called ’Tom-cat in boots’, which fascinated the whole company.


Visiting the Puppet Theatre for the second time


On 3 March 2014 we also took a trip to Budapest. We watched a puppet show titled Misi squirrel’s wanderings. We could see wonderful puppets, humorous and gripping performance varied with beautiful songs. After that we went to Szabó Ervin Metropolitan Library.


Szolnoki csata


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Comprehension and library use competition 2nd round

vetélkedő logója

We informed you on 27th January that Szandaszőlősi Primary School announced a competition for comprehension and library use for our students. Children from our senior section applied for the competition with pleasure. Every class works in a group of  2-3 members. The topic of  the first round was  Valentine’s Day. The questions of the second …Continue reading


’Treasure hunting in the library’ library competition


It’s the first time we have invited students to our library competition taking place in the library. Students will have to solve tasks about library rules besides the exercises connected to our library stock.The compiled worksheets consist of information search and creative exercises, which have to be worked out by participants. Children can search by …Continue reading


Comprehension and library use competition 1st round

vetélkedő logója

We informed you on 27th January that Szandaszőlősi Primary School announced a competition for comprehension and library use for our students. Children from our senior sectionapplied for the competition with pleasure. Every class work in a group of 2-3 members. The topic of the first round is connected to Valentine’s Day and students will have …Continue reading


’Let’s read in order to understand each other!’ comprehension and library use competition

vetélkedő logója

Szandaszőlősi Primary School announced a competition for comprehension and library use for the second time in order to make young students studying in a special institution become readers and library users by more informal way. The competition like last year consists of three rounds. In each round applicants will have to solve worksheets  which are …Continue reading


Announcement of results of audiobook illustration and exhibition


Teachers of our school have made an audiobook chosen from the tales of Jász-Nagykun Szolnok County. They announced a competition for tale illustrations and students of the three schools from years 1 to 6 took part in it. Until 25th November at schools the local juries chose the best drawings and sent them for us. …Continue reading


Bábszínházi látogatás


On 15th November 2013 36 children and 6 teachers had possibility to get to Budapest Puppet Theatre and OPMK School History Exhibition with the help of a successful tender. The performance titled ’A kis Mukk’ started at 10.00 am. On the OPMK School History Exhibition the director of the institution welcomed us and showed us …Continue reading

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